EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is from a series of Questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar
Thank you dear anonymous for the Ask to Answer. You’ve asked a great question.
Savita Ambedkar was not a Brahmin but an EX-BRAHMIN.
Know how one becomes an Ex-Brahmin

Strictly speaking, she never was a Brahmin at all because no woman has ever been referred to as a Brahmin in the Brahnanic Shastras. Brahmins have always been male. All women in the Varnashram Dharma were treated as Shudras.
Only at the Upanayanam ceremony one becomes a Brahmin and Savita Ambedkar would not have been allowed to undergo the Upanayan ceremony even if she wanted to. THEREFORE SHE WAS NEVER A BRAHMIN.
Shudras and women were treated as property.
A Brahmin’s slave is not the same as a Brahmin slave. Similarly, a Brahmin’s woman is not the same as a Brahmin woman but can be seen as daughter of a Brahmin.
Please follow, ask questions and contribute to following spaces dedicated to annihilating caste and raising awareness about the horrors of the caste system.
Also read:
- Why are Brahmins so brilliant?
- Why are Brahmins so important?
- Why did B. R. Ambedkar support the British and oppose the “Quit India” movement?
Author of this article Shekhar Bodhakar is a London based Anti-Caste activist. He is the Composer of Buddhatāla and has also worked as Head of Mathematics department in a London college in the past.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author and not necessarily the views of “Voice of Dissent”