Editor’s Note: This article is from a series of Questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar
What is Ambedkarism?
Many have given great explanations of Ambedkarism. My short conclusion is laid out as follows:
Any ‘ism’ is simply the philosophy/thought of the person (or an organised group) after whom the philosophy is named.
In a nutshell, Ambedkarism is;
- At a personal level, a human centered way of life, aimed at reduction of suffering in a selfless (unselfish) and ethical manner.
- At a societal level, a human centered way of life, aimed at reduction of suffering with a focus on social justice.
Ambedkarism, the thought/philosophy of Dr B.R Ambedkar stems from his belief that the ultimate aim of human existence should be the cultivation (and therefore expansion) of mind, developing the human being, leading to manifestation of liberty, equality, fraternity (LEF) and social justice.
In the long run, LEF, the ideals of Ambedkarism is impossible in a Jati (caste) based society. Anything that hinders the cultivation of mind at the personal level and LEF at the societal level is anti-Ambedkarism. Thus the primary aim of an Ambedkarite, the followers of Ambedkarism, becomes ANNIHILATION OF CASTE (Not unity/fraternity amongst different castes).
What facts will completely change your perception about Dr B. R. Ambedkar?
Here are just FIVE facts, that will hopefully completely CHANGE your perception for the better, about Dr. B.R Ambedkar.
If you have the slightest of doubts about the greatness of Ambedkar-the-great, then just the first THREE facts should be enough to shatter that belief. They are..

In the freedom struggle, Dr. B.R Ambedkar was the ONLY person to fight for the freedom of ALL Indians from ALL dictators and oppressors.
Please click and read the answer to the following question based on a false premise..
Was Dr B R Ambedkar a freedom fighter or not?
Indians take note: This fact needs special attention if humanity is to survive.
Even though Dr. Ambedkar is well known as one of the greatest intellectuals of his time, Ethics were more important to him than intellectual acumen because he knew that ethical people were more likely to be of greater service to society than mere intellectuals. If they were both, ethical and intellectual, that would be of the greatest value to human kind.
Fearing that there were unethical people in power taking vows to protect the Indian Constitution, Dr. Ambedkar, despite being the chairman of the drafting committee, said the following:

A fact about Dr. Ambedkar that most people overlook is..
The root cause of Dr. Ambedkar’s determination and motivation to achieve all that he did was the INTENSE COMPASSION in him for the fellow human being.
IF IT WASN’T FOR THE INTENSE COMPASSION and the injustice he saw and experienced, the desire to fight for the oppressed, the suppressed, the depressed, the women, widows, orphans and the downtrodden mentally crushed and broken victims of atrocities; would not have arisen in the young Ambedkar.
No wonder he built a special place in the hearts of the underprivileged masses who dearly called him Babasaheb (father /grandfather), for he cared for them as any loving father, with a large family, would do.
Putting aside the fact that he was an intellectual giant with unmatched discipline and clear vision, Dr. Ambedkar was a keen musician too. So keen that he instructed his family and friends not to disturb him if visitors, regardless of their social and political status, arrived during his music lessons and practice. His favourite choice of instruments were the tabla and violin.

A unique Theravi Music composition in Buddhist tradition, using a very rare tala (Buddha Taal) and an almost unknown araga (Buddha Virag) is dedicated to this not so well known musician, Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar..
The philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar, now termed, AMBEDKARISM, stems from his belief that the expansion and cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.
The welcoming side effects of this cultivation of mind is equality, liberty, fraternity and justice for all.
Equality, liberty, fraternity and justice in society allows one to freely focus on the cultivation and expansion of mind.
The objective of Ambedkarism Equality, Liberty, Fraternity and Justice in society is NOT possible without annihilation of caste.
So, annihilation of caste, being a pre-requisite to equality, liberty & fraternity becomes the major goal of a true Indian.
Annihilation of caste is the primary aim of an Ambedkarite.
(Video in Hindi)
Learn more about the iconoclast Ambedkar-the-great and his social reform movement by folllowing these three Quora Spaces, dedicated to annihilating of caste
Please follow, ask questions and contribute to following spaces dedicated to annihilating caste and raising awareness about the horrors of the caste system.
- What is the Indian caste system and how does it work?
- What can be the solution for eradicating casteism in India?
Author of this article Shekhar Bodhakar is a London based Anti-Caste activist. He is the Composer of Buddhatāla and has also worked as Head of Mathematics department in a London college in the past.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author and not necessarily the views of “Voice of Dissent”