In the book ′′Caste destruction′′ Babasaheb says, there are two objectives of caste system.
- Dividing individuals into caste AND
- keeping them in different categories beyond castes.
Except Brahmin caste, every caste is above some caste and below any caste and so in the mind of every caste, we are above some caste, it is an arrogance and under some caste. Hence, every individual’s consciousness in the caste system is affected by caste consciousness and the pre-casteism corrupts the consciousness of the person and the social consciousness cannot be deadly and the society and the nation cannot be built at the base of caste.
Caste is a negative matter. Caste doesn’t create economic efficiency or purity of race and blood doesn’t survive. Caste makes society corrupt and divided. In the caste system, the so-called high castes impose their interests and selfishness on the so-called junior castes. Caste system could not maintain the purity of blood and blood. Suprajanana and ethnic purity do not support caste system. Yet the caste system created the stomach caste and divided the society by banning inter-caste marriages and the majority of Shudratisudra deprived of power-wealth-prestige and knowledge and protected the interest of senior castes. Due to lack of education, the pure and super-shudra could not find the way to their freedom. The Chaturvarnya community took away the killers of Shudra and Ati-shudras and made them only plows and took away their freedom of making plow killers. So, despite being a majority, the pure, over-pure socio-economic and political change couldn’t rebel.
The downfall of the caste system created a rumor of superiority in the minds of the society and kept them fighting against each other. Education became the culprit of senior castes and it was prohibited for the pure and super-shudras. If you listen or read the Vedas and theology, the punishment of pouring hot glass juice in their ears and cutting tongue is heard by Manusmriti and if the over-shudra does the business of teaching, then it is a headache. That’s why Ram cut the head of Shambuka. This inhuman and fascinating effect of Manusmriti is still on culturally backward senior castes and so Dalits are still suffering from terrible, brutal atrocities. Incidents like Belchhi, Kilvenmani, Khairlanji, Kharda, Kavalepada etc. are the same cultural backwardness of senior castes.

Caste system is the specialty of Indian society. In this society creation, Brahmins are at the top of the top but pure, very-pure. When Dnyaneshwar, who is considered a God of knowledge, also praises the peak of Brahmins, then the hypocrisy of the so-called knowledge traditions has to be thrown away. The social position of an individual in the upper caste determines its superiority and juniority and is therefore decided or rejected in the natural resources. Due to caste system, pure, super-pure and women were deprived of power-wealth-reputation and education. Caste system divided Shrama along with Shraminka. Due to caste system, senior castes were able to establish their monopoly on land, water, wealth, education etc. Caste atrocities will not end until the rights of the senior castes on this production tool is finished.
Cow sticks to cow’s forehead do not drink milk; they drink blood. Similarly, caste system does not nourish the society; it does exploitation. Even though the caste system has lasted for centuries, its excuses are still changing. Karl Marx’s optimism that castes will be merged in the process of development and the caste system has been strong with the support of imperialism, imperialism and capitalism.
British imperialists formed a new class of landlords, savkar, khot etc. for revenue cabbage, and took the administration who had a plot of education profession. In this way, high positions in landlords, savakari, trade and administration under the parenting of British imperialists, the capital was collected by exploiting the Indian people and the majority of Indian society reflected into agricultural, landless farmers, unorganized workers and poor classes and the caste system-based exploitation system also received the form of class exploitation. It’s done. G. I am. P. In the Railway Untouchable Workers Conference on February 13, 1938, Babasaheb said, ′′ Politics should be based on class knowledge and if it is not based on class interest, it is not politics but hypocrisy This means that the interest of workers of different castes is like the interest of different castes and they are high The discrimination between each other should be buried by sacrificing the feelings of low, superior and junior.