EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is from a series of Questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar
Dr Ambedkar’s own words:
Humanity does not only want economic values; it also wants spiritual values to be retained. Permanent Dictatorship has paid no attention to spiritual values and does not seem to intend to.
The Communist Philosophy seems to be equally wrong for the aim of their philosophy seems to be fatten pigs (without spiritual values) as though men are no better than pigs.
Man must grow materially as well as spiritually.
Words in brackets are not part of quote
Ref: BAWAS, vol 3, buddha or karl marks, page no. 461-462
Author of this article Shekhar Bodhakar is a London based Anti-Caste activist. He is the Composer of Buddhatāla and has also worked as Head of Mathematics department in a London college in the past. You can reach him at: globalambedkarites@gmail.com

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author and not necessarily the views of “Voice of Dissent”.
The following of few quotes given as from Ambedkar is simply missing in the cited reference, ie; pages 461-462. page 462 is actually a blank page here!
# The Communist Philosophy seems to be equally wrong for the aim of their philosophy seems to be fatten pigs (without spiritual values) as though men are no better than pigs.#
Page numbers of Ambedkar Writings and speeches are not same as pdf page numbers. You have been searching for pg 462 in pdf, that’s why you cannot find the reference.
Page 462 of writing and speeches is on pg 484 in pdf version.
Hope this helps.