Editor’s Note: This article is from a series of Questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar
Meaning of Casteomania and related words..
CASTEOMANIA (Pronunciation; kaas-chee-o-main-i-aa): A psychological condition in which a person believes she/he has a jāti (commonly known as caste).
CASTEOMANIAC (Pronunciation; kaas-chee-o-main-i-uck): A Person suffering from casteomania. All casteomaniacs are subconsciously jatist (casteists)
CASTEOPATH: A casteist sociopath who has perfected the art of hiding his casteomania.
CASTEOMANIC: Relating to casteomania or casteomaniacs
CASTEOMANOLOGY: Study of casteomanic phenomenon
CASTEOMANOLOGIST: Student of Casteomanology; one who studies casteomanic psychological conditions and casteomanic phenomena
CASTEOMANOLOGICAL: Relating to casteomanology
CASTEOPHOBIA: Fear of losing ones caste identity.
CASTEOPHOBIC: Related to casteophobia
CASTEOPHOBIC (noun): A casteomaniac suffering from mild to severe casteophobia

Author of this article Shekhar Bodhakar is a London based Anti-Caste activist. He is the Composer of Buddhatāla and has also worked as Head of Mathematics department in a London college in the past.